"Carry Your Love"

Evergreen Missionary Church is at the beginning of a new year, and the future is bright. We have new programs, a new building, a new mission statement, and even new people attending our services. But change is not only happening because of church growth or slogans on paper. Change is happening in the hearts of the people. God is working at Evergreen. His Spirit is moving among us, strengthening and encouraging our hearts, and preparing us for even more wonderful things in the future.

A few weeks ago, I was at work listening to a worship CD by Caedmon’s Call called In the Company of Angels. As it was playing, the words of one song caught my attention. I had to go start it over and listen from the beginning. The song is called “Carry Your Love”, and as I listened, I thought that it was a perfect song to describe the mission, purpose, and prayer of Evergreen. Here are some of the words:

 We are called out; we are ransomed

We are not of the world we’re in

We are chosen; we are blessed

To bring light to the lives of men

So Father sow Your seed

Give us life in community

Wake us from our sleep

This is Your time; this is Your place

We are vessels for breaking


Under Your grace, we are led by Your Spirit

You have redeemed us by the blood of your Son

Send down Your Word; we are eager to hear it

Ready our hearts to carry Your love


Is that not our prayer? Is that not what we want the Lord to do for us? We have been set apart and called by God. This is not our time, but God’s time. He wants to achieve great things through our church, and not just through those in position of leadership. He has a purpose for each of us at Evergreen, and we need to be His vessels. I believe that we have been awakened and are eager to see and hear what God wants to do through us as a church. But we must be led by the Holy Spirit, and we must let God prepare our hearts to carry His love. Hebrews 13:20-21 says, “May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever, Amen.” May that be our prayer and we look forward to this coming year.

                                                                                    -Jenni Brummel

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